Season's Greetings, and what a year?
We kicked off in April with FESTIVAL, and in May got heroic with Tom de Freston.
Robin Hunter's Vanishing Space brought celebrity, and GOLD RUSH was a cheer!
David Spearing made us a brand spanking promotional VIDEO.
Jack Barraclough and Melanie Freshness spilt their beans whilst Martin Kerrison breathed.
Then Information Wants to be Free slammed us up to speed in September.
And Julia Kollewe's Disembodied Voices & Jon Aye both took the lead.
Leaving Waiting Room to be, 09's last dazzling STOP.
So here's to making time for art and a big Thank You to all those who took part!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Let's make 2010 one for ALL, breaking through.
Thank you,
Merlin Fulcher
Program Director