Saturday 3 July 2010

Bold Tendencies

Hats off to Hannah Barry Gallery and the tremendous Bold Tendencies show! This excellent showcase of emerging artists has once again returned to its home, a suburban multi-storied rooftop carpark in Peckham, South London (pictured).

This annual delight is something of Ballardian dream - knitting its skylined urban context with sunbaked luxurious themes. A good place to go a for a cocktail, food, or quiet reflection.

Recommended transport: Bike, bus, train to Peckham Rye, or car.


Meanwhile, Platform One Gallery can unveil a new show by Andrew Gillespie which will run in the last week of July. Exact dates, times, details to be published in due course.

Enjoy the sunny weather!

Merlin Fulcher

Programme Director
Platform One Gallery